
second draft of production

This is a better edited version than the previous one. At 00:16 the transition between shots of the car is better because before the car was more front on on the second shot.We added the shot of the handbrake to establish the car is stopping, before the car stopped abruptly but now the shots make more sense. At 1:03 the shot has been changed because previously the cut had Matt being to face on than he was in the previous one. we did the same at 1:37 because the between cuts he moved position. Also at this point we edited the music because it builds up to much at an inappropriate time, we did not want the music to be contrapuntal. We changed the order of shots when his throat is slit instead of staying with the tracking shot we quickly cut to the under table shot to up the pace of the scene and show off more blood. We used a shot of blood dripping off the table to take us out of the scene this leaves the audience in no doubt he is dead, also I think its a good shot. I used myself as a foley artist to make the noise of the hob, I think its works well, no one in the class knew it was me. We added the shot of the matches to show the audience the hitmans professionalism, we did in slow motion to show the importance and build suspense. The final conversation was added just to set the hitman up as the protagonist because the audience wants to know what he's going to do next and who was on the phone. We changed the title because the typewriter font didn't really work throughout as it drew the audiences attention away from what is going on in the shot.