
risk assessment

Risk assessment
Activity assessed:
As media task filming
Assessment date:
Assessed by:
Toby Trew

Activity location: house
Who’s at risk: actors and cameramen
Next assessed by:
Approved by:
Risk level
High, mediocre  or low
Risk level
High or low
Control measures
Reducing the risk to a minimal risk
Car pulling into drive
High: could get hit by car or equipment being damaged by car.
Low risk because cameramen will keep a certain distance away from cars and roads to mineralise the chance of injuries.
Making sure that camera man stands away from where the car is driving.
Walking down the stairs
Trip not looking drop equipment down stairs.
Low nothing will be left on the stairs that could be a potential trip hazard.
Make sure appropriate foot wear is worn so that there is a reduced risk of slipping and falling.
Walking down the hallway(marble)
Could drop and crack equipment
Slip over
Low because with all potential trip hazards removed and things that could injury someone if they fall are removed.
Make sure appropriate foot wear is worn so that there is a reduced risk of slipping and falling.
Action shot
when acting out scene potential to hurt actor
Low because with all potential trip hazards removed and things that could injury someone if they fall are removed.
Remove any shelves sharp corners on desks/cabinets.
Trip hazard wires, track

Younger siblings/family members
Trip over and injure yourself

Could get in the way of shots damage equipment
No trip hazards left to be tripped over.

Siblings are kept away from shooting area.

Personal protective equipment needed:
Provided by:
Level of first aid provision needed
First aiders
Nearest telephone:

Nearest 24hr hospital/doctor